Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Stupid is stupid does

"Stupid is stupid does" is one of the best idioms I've ever heard of.

People are stupid, so they constantly do something stupid.

"Similars get together" is another piece that I like very much. People with similar interest, similar background usually attracted to each other so easily.

As the 2 great idioms get together, all I can say is: stupid people get together and always do something very very stupid.

What I mean stupid here is that some people who do not have known psychological or physical difficulties, they are just healthy (?) and nice people who act soooo stupid, when the most pathetic thing is that they don't know about it.

I may be a stupid person in other peoples eyes, and I admit that I often do stupid things too. I hope I will be more aware of it when I am being stupid. And I do hope I will not be affected by other stupids and make myself another stupid person and continue the vicious cycle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You got your point! I haven't think about this! That's why I said I often do something stupid, because I forgot there are some people intended to act stupid or they just don't have their true colors revealed.

Agree with your point, but what I can say is that if someone intends to be stupid, they are not stupid; if they have been misundestood or simply they just don't know that they need not to be that stupid, they may need to think again why there is such a case. Some of us may take time to figure out they are not as stupid as others expected, but hope they can all figure out someday.

Btw, the blog entry was written under the stress given by a bunch of stupid people(in my opinion), maybe I just got so pissed...