Friday, June 22, 2007



場地和Run Down都在我想像之外,不過他們都都像是那種很care朋友及很out of the box那一類人吧!




第一次見女家,是在張惠妹的一個小型演唱會,那次的主持是Vani。在地鐵站看見她,發覺她是如此的瘦。這個mini concert是愉快的,因為在最後我和她都跳上台和A-Mei一起跳著唱《牽手》,還上了報紙。記得女家的學校有很多學生都和我找同一個經濟科的補習老師補習,我還問她,為何不一起補。及後才發覺,原來她是一個會考7A的高材生。









given that她和記者的關係亦差不到那裡)。



  只為那陌生戒指 重新打量你修長的手指 
  你送我的指紋 我欠你的心事 
  恐怕要在今夜 還給天使 
  喜悅出於巧合 眼淚何必固執 
  走完同一條街 回到兩個世界 
  原諒你 和你的無名指 
  你讓我相信 還真有感情這回事 
  啊 懷念都太奢侈 只好羨慕誰年少無知

  霓虹燈奄奄一息 十二點鐘即將成為歷史 
  往事若無其事 關係也沒關係 
  我們再來不及 重新認識 
  兩個人的巧合 總有個人堅持 
  回到原來的路 住同一個城市
  原諒你 和你的無名指 
  你讓我相信 還真有感情這回事 
  啊 懷念都太奢侈 二月十三號 到此為止

Friday, June 15, 2007


how come如此重要的線索亦要漏出來,讓我們又要期待一番呢?

已做screen capture.
hope the links' still here after you read this blog

Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications Press room
Sony Ericsson extends business email across portfolio
14 June 2007

Berlin, Germany – 14th June With today’s announcement of the K850 Cyber-shot™ phone and the W910 Walkman® phone, Sony Ericsson further extended its business email offering into the feature-phone segment of its product line-up. The move is intended to let corporate users who want to send and receive email anytime, anywhere the freedom to choose the phone that fully reflects their lifestyle.

Both the K850 Cyber-shot™ and W910 Walkman® phone are Microsoft® Exchange ActiveSync® enabled and support wireless synchronization and Direct Push of email, calendar and contacts. In addition, they also include support for Java push mail solutions provided by third parties and leading email standards, such as POP/IMAP. With the extension of email beyond the realm of the smartphone, Sony Ericsson can now offer company purchasers and decision makers a broader range of mobile professional solutions, enabling people to use business hours more efficiently and reduce internal support costs related to local PC-sync.

Mobile messaging – the ability to send and receive email anytime, anywhere – is fast becoming a vital form of everyday communication in today’s high-speed, 24/7 international business environment. Companies and individuals are having to adapt to changing ways of doing business, and respond to the growing need for greater mobility and flexibility. Sony Ericsson phones with Exchange ActiveSync® provide instant access to e-mail messages wherever you are. They also include a remote device-wipe feature, which allows company administrators to remotely send a command to a lost or stolen phone that will erase all PIM-data (e-mail, calendar, contacts) as well as account settings.

“Sony Ericsson is all about offering the right phone for the right person and life-style. With the extension of business email to high-end imaging and music phones, Sony Ericsson now offers push email to a broader number of mobile professionals, allowing them to work more effectively and productively when they are away from their desks, ” says Steve Walker, Head of Portfolio Planning at Sony Ericsson. “With this extension of Exchange ActiveSync®, users don’t need to compromise on their choice of phone.”

“Organizations today require a secure, wireless solution for their mobile worker that is easy to manage and supports a variety of devices,” says Adam Glick, Technical Product Manager for Microsoft Exchange Server. “Sony Ericsson’s latest devices can connect directly to a Microsoft Exchange Server using Exchange ActiveSync®, allowing their users to access the powerful business messaging and productivity information stored in Exchange.”

Sony Ericsson’s line up of Exchange ActiveSync® enabled phones includes Open OS smartphones such as the P990, M600, W950, the recently announced Sony Ericsson P1 and today’s Symbian-based W960 Walkman® phone. In the feature phone segment of the portfolio the line-up includes the Z750, the K850 Cyber-shot™ and the W750 Walkman® phones. All these models provide secure wireless and Direct Push synchronization of corporate email, calendar and contacts from Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 SP2 and Exchange Server 2007.

Exchange ActiveSync® works with all types of mobile communication networks, including GSM, GPRS, UMTS and HSDPA.

The Sony Ericsson P1 will be available in selected markets from Q3 2007. The K850 Cyber-shot™ phone and W750/W960 Walkman® phones will be available from Q4 2007.

Facts and features may vary depending on local variant.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007






